It has become difficult to keep up with the meanings of all the new phrases and terms generated by modern technology. One of the most commonly used phrases on the world wide web (www) today is "Web 2.0." It seems like every web solutions company is using this phrase to sell its stuff. So to the average Joe who's not a geek, what is "Web 2.0"?
Well according to Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia…
"[T]he phrase Web 2.0 can refer to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services — such as social-networking sites, wikis, and folksonomies [collaborative tagging schemes] — which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing between users. The term gained currency following the first O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004. Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to any technical specifications, but to changes in the ways software developers and end-users use webs. According to Tim O'Reilly, 'Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.' Some technology experts, notably Tim Berners-Lee, have questioned whether one can use the term in a meaningful way, since many of the technology components of 'Web 2.0' have existed since the early days of the W!
There is no doubt the www has advanced significantly since inception, but there really is no new version of the www. It is simply much more useful to the everyday person.
However, if we counted each major innovation as a whole number and each minor revision as a tenth, we would already be into double digits. So why are we calling it "Web 2.0"?
If you have seen the latest Die Hard movie, or ever bought software for your computer, you will understand why we are not in Web 2.0. Even if we call it Die Hard 4.0 or MS Office 2007, it's still basically the same movie or tool. So what we are really experiencing now is more like Web 16.0.
If you have an in-depth, honest conversation with your web designers, they will tell you that Web 2.0 is a myth. So to explain how we got to Web 16.0, here's a history of the most significant events on the www.
WEB 0.1 -- 1958 – SAGE – Radar systems are first networked
WEB 0.2 -- 1960 – Packet switching is first created
WEB 1.0 – EMAIL – "A New Way to Send Unsolicited Mail Is Born"
Although the exact history of Email is a tad murky, it is generally accepted that it appeared in 1965, and was created so that people accessing a mainframe could communicate with each other. This was the first step in the interconnection of people, facilitating almost instant communication at no cost to the user.
WEB 1.1 -- 1967 – Markup language is created
WEB 1.2 -- 1969 – ARPA – A link is established between computers
WEB 1.3 -- 1696 – ARPA Net – First packet-switched network created
WEB 2.0 – WYSIWYG – "What You See Is What You Get (sometimes)"
With the invention of WYSIWYG in 1970, users could now be presented with a basic display of what their finished product would look like, as they were working on it. This removed the need to memorize complex code.
WEB 2.1 -- 1970 – ASP – First Application Service Provider (SAAS)
WEB 2.2 -- 1970 – Style sheets are created
WEB 2.3 -- 1971 – @ is created to separate hosts and users
WEB 2.4 -- 1973 – TCP/IP is created to simplify networking
WEB 2.5 -- 1973 – First connection to another country established
WEB 2.6 -- 1974 – The term "Internet" is adopted
WEB 2.7 -- 1976 – X.25 – The first network standard is approved
WEB 2.8 -- 1978 – International packet switching service created
WEB 3.0 – USENET– "The Black Market of the Internet"
Usenet was established in 1980 to offer mail and file transfers as well as give personal users access to news. Usenet is in fact a large network of servers all in communication with each other; a user posts something to the local server and that item is passed along to the other servers. Usenet was a major turning point because users could finally have an open conversation with anyone on the net, without needing to specifically know the user (unlike Email). The downside is that with a sometimes un-policed net capable of file transfers, the Usenet of today is a haven for piracy of all types, where anything you can imagine is accessible.
WEB 3.1 -- 1979 – Email is made available to personal computer users, millions of Nigerian Princes suddenly need public help
WEB 4.0 – REAL TIME CHAT – Going Outside Deemed "Obsolete"
Real-Time Chat was created in 1980 following users' frustrations with Usenet articles sometimes taking 24 hours to be updated. This signaled a turning point: online conversations became instant, albeit isolated into segregated groups.
WEB 4.1 -- 1980 – First ISPs created providing dialup internet
WEB 4.2 -- 1981 – TCP/IP becomes a standard
WEB 4.3 -- 1981 – US/Europe/Canada/Hong-Kong/Australia connect
WEB 4.4 -- 1983 – TCP/IP becomes the only standard
WEB 4.5 -- 1983 – First wide area network using TCP/IP operational
WEB 4.6 -- 1985 – FTP – The File Transfer Protocol is created
WEB 4.7 -- 1988 – IRC – Internet Relay Chat is created
WEB 4.8 -- 1988 – Bulletin Board Systems and Forums created
WEB 5.0 – HTML/HTTP/Web Pages – "It Has Begun…"
Around 1980, many researchers were using the internet, but they had no single way to create/display "documents" (web pages). Physicist Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues needed a simple system for creating/displaying documents, but found that existing systems were too commercial, platform-specific or complicated for the average user. So they created their own relatively simple system, consisting of browsing software called "WorldWideWeb," a protocol for transmitting the information (HTTP) and a document annotation convention called "Hyper Text Markup Language" (HTML). This meant anyone could now create web pages using their simple language.
WEB 5.1 -- 1989 – Images can now be animated, oh the horror!
WEB 5.2 -- 1990 – The network now covers the entire world (publicly)
WEB 6.0 – Search – "Did You Mean: Google?"
Before 1990, there was no way to find a page; you had to know the specific location. Around 1991, search engines began indexing (storing) the content they found, giving users the ability to search for a page even if they didn't know the page's location.
WEB 6.1 -- 1991 – DNS – Dynamic Naming System is created
WEB 6.2 -- 1991 – The first text-based browser is created
WEB 7.0 – DHTML – "Because Non-Scrolling Text Is Boring"
The web was static until Dynamic HTML (DHTML) was created. DHTML introduced client-side scripting, allowing authors to include code in their web pages that performed an action upon being downloaded onto a user's computer. DHTML introduced rollover buttons and drop-down menus on web pages. It goes a long way to making the web more personalized.
WEB 7.1 -- 1993 – The first graphics based browsers are created
WEB 7.2 -- 1993 – Screen casts are first created
WEB 7.3 -- 1994 – Wikis are created; Britannica begins holding its breath
WEB 7.4 -- 1994 – The World Wide Web Consortium is formed
WEB 7.5 -- 1994 – CSS – Cascading Style Sheets created
WEB 8.0 – ONLINE DIARIES – "Teens Reportedly Misunderstood"
Online diaries were first created in 1994 as a means for people to store their diaries online for personal or public reading. Writers could now reach almost anyone worldwide at practically no cost, and everyone could create editorials on whatever subjects they liked, without fear of censorship.
WEB 8.1 -- 1996 – The first social bookmarking site created
WEB 9.0 – RANKED RESULTS – "The Online Popularity Contest"
Search engine results helped find things, but many of the results were useless or had nothing to do with the keywords used. As of 1996, search results started to be ranked based on a multitude of things, like how popular a page is. This made searching faster and easier, and significantly less painful.
WEB 9.1 -- 1996 – Flash is created, whole websites can now be animated
WEB 9.2 -- 1997 – The term "Blog" is adopted
WEB 10.0 – HIRED BLOGGERS – "Wow Isn't Product X Great!"
As of 1997, personal diaries began to evolve to what became known as "blogs." Many corporate websites and personal homepages had (and still do have) news sections, these were traditionally updated manually in a back-end system. With the advent of blogs, the commercial sector jumped in, seeing a new marketing medium.
WEB 10.1 -- 1998 – The first audio news site is created
WEB 10.2 -- 1999 – The first web-based operating system is created
WEB 11.0 – RSS – "Newspapers Deemed Obsolete"
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) was created due to the lack of a universal feed format. The creation of RSS means that users could now "subscribe" to feeds containing video, audio, text, or graphics. Users no longer had to trawl the web for new information, they could "subscribe" to a feed and have it sent to them directly.
WEB 12.0 – REMOTE SCRIPTING – "Waiting For 4 Seconds Now History!"
Remote scripting allows scripts running inside a browser to exchange information with a server, so that scripts could be triggered locally, processed remotely and have information returned directly to the browser. This made the web faster and easier to use, and removed the need to refresh the page for simple tasks like sorting.
WEB 12.1 -- 2001 – Blogs evolve from online diaries
WEB 13.0 – PODCASTING – "Now Everyone Can Avoid Listening To You By Choice Rather Than Circumstance!"
Podcasting originated as a portmanteau of the iPod® and broadcasting, although "portable on demand broadcasting" has now become the widely-accepted definition. Originally Podcasting was created to allow individuals to distribute their own radio shows, but it has become popular for a wide variety of things, from educational materials to the latest gaming news. Podcasting opens up distribution of audio content to anyone with a server, with users "subscribing" to the RSS feeds that appeal to them.
WEB 13.1 -- 2002 – Folksonomy is created, giving rise to "tags"
WEB 14.0 – VIDEO PODCASTING – "Web-Based One-Sided Conversations"
Shortly after Podcasting became popular, video Podcasting was created as a means to send the equivalent of TV episodes to users. Though similar to podcasting, the content was not limited to just "TV episodes". Video Podcasting opens up the video medium so that making a TV show is possible for anyone.
WEB 15.0 – VOIP – "High Tech, Dodgy Sounding Free Calls"
With the Voice Over Internet Protocol, telephone audio is sent over the internet, rather than a traditional phone line. This removes almost all cost involved, and also removes the need to have a physical phone line. What this means for consumers is calling becomes much simpler, easier and significantly cheaper.
WEB 16.0 – SAAS – "The Industry Makes a SaaS of Itself."
Software as a Service (SaaS) is just a new term for a concept that has been around since the dawn of the internet (ASP from 1970). SaaS refers to using a piece of software run/provided through the internet, and instead of paying a large one-off purchase price, you "rent" the software for as long as needed. So while SaaS is the buzzword of the day, the concept is decades old.
So if you follow the basic rule that each total upgrade is a new ".0" then we are nowhere near Web 2.0. The story is really one of falling price, increasing reliability and bandwidth, coupled with ubiquitous access.
Simply put, "Web 2.0" is just shorthand for the development process outlined above. Bottom line, the web really becoming what the web really always should have been.
Web 2.0? Or Is It More Like Web 16.0?
Technologies of Tomorrow
It is exciting to look into the future of technology. In an age of continuous innovation and invention, when the discovery of today loses its sheen tomorrow, it is not easy to pinpoint technologies that will transform our future.
Engineering and technical developments are everyone's concern, as they will not be confined to industry, university classrooms, and R&D labs. Instead, they will make a tremendous difference in our day-to-day lives. Here I will attempt to identify some of the technologies that will revolutionize our lives and our values in the coming years.
1. Quantum Computers
Unlike current PCs, quantum computers will have switches that can be in an on or off state simultaneously. The mechanism that will make this possible is known as superposition, and the switches are referred to as quantum bits. The system will make quantum computers operate very fast. A basic quantum computer is likely to be operational by 2020.
2. Programmable Matter
Scientists are in the midst of creating a substance that can take a specific shape to perform a specific task. The substance is known as claytronics, and it consists of catoms. Individual catoms are programmed to move in three dimensions and position themselves so that they assume different shapes. This technology is likely to have numerous applications ranging from medical use to 3D physical rendering. It may take around two decades to become a reality.
3. Terascale Computing
Techies are working on a project that would make our PCs able to contain tens to hundreds of parallel working cores. The device will have the capability to process huge amounts of information. To create this technology, Intel is exploring the possibility of using nanotechnology and allowing for billions of transistors.
4. Repliee Robots
Repliee is one of the most advanced life-like robots ever created. Repliee, an android, is covered with a substance which is very similar to human skin. Sensors placed inside the robot control its movements and enable it to respond to its environment. Astonishingly, the robot can flutter its eyelids and replicate breathing. Repliee operates best in a static condition.
5. Organic Computers
To further advance the computing realm, techies need to create a hybrid CPU that is silicon based but contains organic parts as well. The most promising progress in information processing concerns a neurochip that places organic neurons onto a network of silicon or other materials. Future computers will be able to bridge the silicon and organic spheres to utilize processors that incorporate both of these elements.
6. "Spray-On" Nanocomputers
The "spray-on" nanocomputer would consist of particles that can be sprayed onto a patient. It would monitor the patient's medical condition and communicate wirelessly to other machines.
7. Carrier Ethernet
Carrier Ethernet is a business service/access technology. It can serve as a transport method for both business and residential service. Ethernet will dominate the metro space in the future and will slowly displace SONET/SDH over the next 10 to 20 years.
Development sustains life. However, techies cannot afford to forget that technological advancement will remain inadequate in the absence of contributions from all branches of knowledge and will not flourish if it does not benefit society.
Testing your internet download speed
Download speed tests let you test your internet speeds and help show you what your real download speeds are. Many speed tests are available online but want to charge you to use them.
Internet connection test software is currently very popular. Whether it is software or web based there are many users flocking to sites that can test just how fast your Internet connection is.
Your results may vary if you run a test more than once on the same connection. This is due to the test measuring how fast a certain amount data can travel across the live Internet and back to your computer. It doesn't measure the theoretical speed (Usually Documented by your ISP) of your connection, but the speed at which your computer receives and transmits data over the Internet.
This fluctuation is uncontrollable due to internet congestion. Whenever you run an Internet speed test, the data could travel over the Internet through one path (this path includes servers, switches and routers) and can be routed through a totally different set of communication equipment or location upon your second test.
You need to test your download speed if you thinks pages are taking too long to load or if you are just curious to know your true download speeds. ISP's limit your connection speeds at certain caps through their QOS (quality of service) file.
Keeping an eye on your download speeds by using online speed tests can help you determine the quality and consistency of your internet connection.
There are many popular speed tests available, just search google for internet speed test.
Learning Photoshop just became easier
Want to add some metal and ink to people in your family, well read this: Press SHIFT+M and cycle through the marquee tools until you come to the circle (alright, elliptical marquee tool) . Once that's selected, you'll see some options at the top of the canvas. In the drop down list next to Style, choose 'Fixed Aspect Ratio'. This of course gives us a perfectly round circle selection every time. Go ahead and drag one out now. Not too big, though. Good. Now we need to go Select->Modify->Border. A screen pops up asking you how many pixels wide you want it to be. I put 3 here. Now we need to put something in it. Stop! Before we fill it with color, we have to make a new layer (CRTL+SHIFT+N). Now press SHIFT +F5 to bring up the Fill screen, and from the drop down menu choose '50% grey'. We don't need the selection now, so CRTL+D to deselect. Now a round circle isn't going to be very realistic. What we need to do now is distort it a bit. Press CRTL+T to enter transform mode, then right-click and choose 'Distort' from the menu. Now play around moving the handlebars around the square. Good. We could now just take the eraser tool and get rid of that bit in the middle. A better way, though, is to use a mask. At hte bottom of the layers panel you'll see a little grey rectangle with a white circle in it. Click it and our layer gets a brother. The foreground/background colors also change to black and white. Now if we paint black, it will take away the ring, and if we then paint white, it will bring back what we painted black. Just to the left of the mask icon on the layers panel, you will see as well the Layer Style icon. Click it now and from the list that springs down, choose 'Bevel and Emboss'. This is pops up another screen with lots of options on it. We don't need to change anything for now, though. You will also see that our ring is updated in real time, so we can see the results straight away. To give it more highlights and make it shinier, hit the 'Gloss Contour' box. Another screen pops up where you can alter the mapping. Just click and drag the black line until it is like the example.
Photo retouching is sometimes quite important to your photo. You can change your photo to black and white, take out some unwanted acne, fix a blurry line. Well, here are some instructions on how to sharpen your image. Start by opening your image Duplicate the background layer by pressing control+j. Press shift+control+u to desaturate the layer. Go to filter>others>high pass and give these values, Radius of 0.4 pixels. Press control+l to open levels. Fianlly, change this layer's mode from normal to overlay. If you find excessive sharpening then reduce the opacity of this layer. You now have more sharpe image and it works on almost any image.
Brightness/Contrast is a super important technique in photo manipulation. You can alter the complete mood of photos with brightness and contrast. I will demonstrate how. First get a picture of anything in the world you want. ANYTHING! Now go to Image> Apply Image and apply your image on a new layer. Then go to Image> Adjustments> Brightness/Contrast. Then mess around with the settings. I tend to make the lower the brightness and raise the contrast. But see what is best for your picture. After applying Brightness/Contrast/ Do you see the changes? I sure do. I completely changed the mood of the picture with Brightness/Contrast. So as you can tell this is a very important and helpful piece of Photo manipulation.
Open the JavaScript Reference Guide and click the ArtLayer bookmark to the left in Adobe Reader, now you can first se all properties available for ordinary layers and after that is all the methods available for it. Hello worldNow it's time to try your wings by creating and running your first script for Photoshop. As always the first program you create in a new programming language should always output the Hello world sentence. To install a script you simply copy it to Photoshop's scripts folder which in windows is located in: c:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CS2PresetsScripts Before you can use it from Photoshop you have to quit Photoshop and restart it. Once you have done this the script is available under File > Scripts
Start with a blank photoshop document of size 1024*768 and white background. Choose the brush "rough round bristle" from the toolbar. Create a new layer and draw some lines. Right click on the new layer and choose "blending options". Choose the values. DROP SHADOW INNER GLOW BEVEL AND EMBOSS; For "texture", choose "satin" as the pattern. TEXTURE Now add some motion blur to this layer from filters > blur > motion blur. Similarly, add gaussian blur also to this layer with the radius around 72. Not so catchy yet. Well try this. Change the background color of the default layer as black by choosing Edit > Fill from menu. Now look at the output. Ahh, that looks much better, isn't it ? You can add some text to this texturised background if you wish.
Layers are an integral element of Photoshop. They allow you to edit images more easily, and use transparency to its full effect. By default the background layer (Locked and labelled "Background") is white, and any subsequently created layers are transparent by default. Layer Opacity: The opacity of the current layer, 0-100%. Blending Mode: The manner in which this layer interacts with layers below it. See below. Active/Linked Layers: A small paint brush icon appears in this space to indicate the active layer, and chain icons signify other layers that are linked with the active layer. Layer visibility: An eye in this area signifies that the layer is visible, and an empty box means it is hidden from view and exempt from formatting. Layers: Two example layers showing an example background layer and new (transparent) layer (Layer 1). New Fill/Adjustment Layer: Creates a layer that can add a gradient to or adjust the hue, etc. of the layer below. New Layer: Creates a new layer [ctrl/cmd + shift + N]. Delete Layer: Deletes the currently selected layer. New Layer Set: Creates a folder for layers to be put into for easy organisation of layers. New Layer Mask: Creates a sub-layer with which you can use all normal tools. Adding black to a layer mask, for example, means that that part of the layer is invisible. Layer Effects (Styles): Applies various effects to the current layer - can also be reached via.
Our eyes can sometimes deveive us. Everyone's eyes see slightly different colors. One person will see a purple color, while another will see a blue. Those that are colorblind cannot distinquish some colors from another. While we see it to be a good skintone, it may not be seen as one to someone else. Also, depending on the monitor that you own, you may see a different color than other computers. Making pallettes straight from photos heightness the chance greatly of realistic, more accurate works. Also, these color pallettes are used professionally. Those who work with color correction use this to help them with their vocations. Even the printing press use this. You can also take colors from the lips, eyes and hair to help with realistic color of those. You would use it the same way as you did for the skin. Finding the darkest, the midtone, and the lightest before creating a pallette to use.
Full Software
It’s not uncommon for software to cost more than the hardware of the computer it is installed on. In fact with hardware prices falling, it will soon become a trend for the software on a computer to cost more than the hardware. The problem with using freeware software and open source operating systems is that they do not support main stream products like Photoshop or Microsoft Office. Although some corporations have started using open source operating systems to reduce operating costs of their organizations, the problem is that open source software is no where as friendly as commercial software. A good example is Linux, although Linux is free to use but the dominance of Windows is undeniable because of its ease of use and the wide variety of software Windows supports.
If you are looking to buy software for less one option is to visit sites like, such sites allows users to download softcopies of all major operating systems and software at much lower prices. Many people believe that such sites are illegal and they are infringing on copyright laws, the truth is that such sites are giving people access to software at much cheaper costs. In fact one of the biggest reasons that Linux was developed was because the developer felt that Windows was over priced.
If you are looking to download software online, then there are a couple of things to keep in mind before you download any software from the internet. The first thing to understand is that there is a very thin line between piracy and downloading backup copies of the software. It is not the site’s responsibility but your responsibility to use the software judiciously. If you are still not sure if what you are doing is legal or not, don’t worry just read the terms and conditions page on the site and you will understand exactly if actions are legal or not.
Also once you download any software make sure that the software is scanned using a virus scanner. There are also sites that offer downloading of software for free (termed as warez), however more often that not such software is buggy and has many legal implications. You are better of paying for the software and downloading it then trying to visit sites that are offering software illegally.
Also remember that distributing the software once you have downloaded it is illegal, irrespective of the nature of your terms and conditions with the site you have downloaded the software from. If you are concerned about the legal implications of downloading software remember that cyber law in the US is much more developed than most countries. The chances are that the site you are dealing with has probably been scrutinized to see if it meets legal requirements.
Finally make sure that you check to see if the software you are downloading is compatible with the hardware and operating system you have installed. Since the transaction is purely electronic once you have paid for the software the chances of getting a refund are slim.
Advantages of downloading software
The advantage of downloading software online is that it is faster than going to a software store and buying the software. Also as mentioned earlier in the article, the price of softcopy software is much lower than ordering the software on hard copy via the authorized reseller. Software today is pretty stable; you should not have any trouble with customer services and support. However if you are worried about any support issues, then it is always a good idea to buy a hard copy of the software along with a license so that you get full after sales technical support. Not to mention you will also get access to offers and cheaper upgrades. But all said and done downloading software is the faster, cheaper and most convenient way of getting access to software
Various service providers from the logistics & transport industry
The quality of the service that we offer is a key factor to our success. Our commitment to quality is reflected in our team, who jointly work with the Service Providers and ensure a smooth processing of your freight movement.
We work with a vision to provide a first class service to all of our clients. Through its association with the various service providers from the Logistics & Transport Industry, We strive to provide a complete, accurate and reliable service in all aspects of cargo transportation. We have the flexibility to outperform the giants on service; we provide a 24 hour team of dedicated specialists who pride themselves on their involvement with our customers.
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We save your time - we handle the whole process and ensure a hassle free delivery meeting the deadlines.
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Mainline Logistics & Transport (U.K) Limited introduces itself as a company specializing in the field of Logistics and Transport Industry hence catering to all the needs of Freight Forwarding business and making the move simple.
With its headquarters based in the United Kingdom we continually strive to deliver an unrivalled reputation for reliability and competence to our industry with our expertise to provide clients with a seamless Freight Forwarding service covering the whole spectrum of logistics & Transport services.
Everything we do is geared to offer benefits to our customers. We strive to build our reputation by offering a reliable, efficient, cost effective and flexible service to meet the needs of our customers. Our commitment is to maintain the highest possible standards of service in every aspect of Logistics & Transport Service.
At Mainline Logistics & Transport (UK) Limited, we aim to fully understand the requirements of our customers. We believe that it is only by successfully doing this that we provide the best possible service. We aim to operate as an extension of your operation; we always take a proactive, flexible approach and delivering highly competitive tailor made solutions. We take a practical and realistic approach. Now matter how big or small the job, simple or complex, we will carefully calculate the optimum logistic solutions and the time involved. We will work with you to develop an efficient, practical and realistic solution.
Collection and Use of Information
Mainline Logistics & Transport (UK) Limited collects personal information from our Web Site visitors on a voluntary basis through the enquiry forms. Mainline Logistics & Transport (UK) limited also automatically records information obtained from your browser, including your IP address. We use this information in order to continually evaluate the usefulness of our site. Personal information entered by a visitor will be stored by us but will only be used for our own internal purposes, and will not be sold or divulged to third parties.
Mainline Logistics & Transport (UK) Limited has undertaken to make all information received from our online visitors as secure as possible against unauthorized access and use. All information is protected by our security measures, which are periodically reviewed. Be aware that E-mail communications are not generally considered to be "secure" on the internet, which means that third parties could potentially intercept and read or (in extreme cases) tamper with the content of such e-mails. We will do our best to make sure your information on the Internet is secure, but we cannot be held responsible for the actions of "hackers" or other computer criminals.
Duplicate Finder - uncover your duplicate files
There is never too much money, too much time and too large Winchester. The hard disks become larger and larger, they now can contain volumes of information users even could not imagine five years ago. But still the problem remains the same: a day comes when your Winchester is full to the overflowing and you have no possibility to download and to save new useful data. Evidently you should go to the nearest hardware shop and to buy a new, much larger Winchester. So say “bye-bye” to beer, parties, going to cinema with your girlfriend (or where you were going to bring her) for the nearest month. You will have to raven on bread and porridge and to muck about your new hard drive.
And, by the way, you will have to reiterate this in a few months. There is no Winchester that could store all the information you need. So get ready to acquire huge stacks of DVDs – there is actually no other alternative.
Hey, wait a minute! And what if you delete some files that became unnecessary? Sometimes you may free up to half a hard disk with this operation. Sounds great, isn’t it? But there is a small inconvenience: do you have enough time and patience to look through all those gigabytes of information on your computer manually? I think the answer is both clear and negative. And it will be so in the case when we are talking about predeterminedly needless sets of information – that is to say about duplicate files. Of course, each user has lots of them oh his (or her) hard drive but analyzing and comparing them is so boring and time-consuming process that everyone will prefer to buy several DVDs or even a new Winchester. Well, life is hard.
I mean it WAS hard. And now you have an opportunity to make it much easier and your Winchester much less filled up with information stuff that must exist only in one place – your recycle bin. How to achieve that? The answer is Moleskinsoft Clone Remover. This program is the best and the most convenient duplicate file finder and the most efficient duplicate file remover as well. Installing this soft you save your money as now you will have to buy DVDs much more rarely and I even do not know when you will need a new hard drive.
OK, that’s all right and what about concrete information? How does this soft work? Why is it so good? Well, let’s start from the very beginning. You go to the website and download a tryout version of the soft free of charge. Done? Great! Then you quickly install it (the process of installation takes just a few seconds) and start it up. The interface of the soft is user friendly and intuitive so nobody will have problems dealing with it: everything is clear even for a child.
So, you started up the soft. The next stage will be the choice of a way in which it will search and find duplicate files. There are five. I would like to tell you something about each of them.
The first one is searching files with an identical content. There is no matter what are their names – the program analyses their content and if it coincides, these files are identified as duplicate ones. With this option you can delete duplicate files no matter how they are named. Just imagine how much time you can save with Moleskinsoft Clone Remover acting in this way!
The second variant is searching the duplicate mp3 files using analysis and comparison of their tags. It was always very difficult to identify the mp3-clones because each file in this format has its own name and those names cannot be the same. So you should have opened all of them manually and compare on your own to decide are they duplicate or no. Now Moleskinsoft Clone Remover does it for you looking through and comparing tag information (genre, artist, year, comments and so on and so forth).
The next option is finding duplicate images that differ in formats (.bmp, .jpg etc), resolution and caption. Delete duplicate image files with worse parameters and free space on your Winchester!
There is one more method of searching. Using it, Moleskinsoft Clone Remover finds duplicate files on the basis of comparison of their name and/or size. When the program finishes searching it gives you a list of clones you can delete right now. If you are not sure they all are stuff you may open them with some other soft or view them a built-up viewer (yes, there is such an option too!).
Finally Moleskinsoft Clone Remover helps you to find files with zero size and to get rid of them.
Well, as I told you above now you sho
Windows Vista - Clean Install Tips
Perform a clean installation of Windows Vista
A couple of weeks ago I released an article entitled ,"9 Tips To Keep Windows XP Running Smooth".
After that I published a lengthy (by necessity) article covering, "Upgrading To Microsoft Windows Vista Tips". I have since received several e-mail requests for pointers on clean Vista installs so I have compiled those conversations and am disseminating them for wider use. This will be much shorter and easier.
There are no secrets here. Everything I cover is published in the windows help files or scattered across the Microsoft website. Perhaps it is compiled in a somewhat more usable form here. At least it will keep you from having to do the searches, from sifting out the chaff, and from sorting the usable data.
Do you remember the PC and MAC ads? You might want to watch this one again
Don't let it scare you off. Just know there are often major changes in what a computer will have and what Vista requires.
Another warning to run the windows Vista Upgrade Advisor before doing anything else is in order. It is located at
First, Please understand that this information pertains to a clean install....It will not work for an upgrade!
If you need upgrade help please refer to my article on upgrading to Vista at
• Windows Vista Home Basic
• Windows Vista Home Premium
• Windows Vista Ultimate
• Windows Vista Business
• Windows Vista Enterprise
• Windows Vista Starter
In a clean installation, existing data is removed - that includes documents, pictures, movies, music, downloads, etc. This data includes personal data and settings. Please back up or make copies of any and all data you wish to keep to another hard drive or computer before proceeding any further.
After you install the Vista operating system, you must also reinstall all programs and restore any data you moved in the previous step. AGAIN!!...Make sure that you back up your personal and business data before you perform a clean installation.
To perform a clean installation of Windows Vista, use one of the following methods only after (I can't say it enough) running the upgrade advisor, it is located at
Most people don't read the fine print: There are 23 (count them 23) warnings and exceptions hid behind this little ditty (Some product features are only available in certain editions of Windows Vista and may require advanced or additional hardware) hid at the end of Microsoft's 100 Reasons why you should upgrade to Vista.
O.K....Cleared that hurdle?
Lets get started:
Method 1:
Run the Setup program after you start the computer by using the current operating system
1. Start the computer by using the current operating system.
2. Insert the Windows Vista DVD in the computer's DVD drive.
3. Use one of the following procedures, as appropriate:
• If Windows automatically detects the DVD, the Install now screen appears. Click Install now.
• If Windows does not automatically detect the DVD, follow these steps:
a. Click Start, click Run, type Drive:\setup.exe, and then click OK.
Note Drive is the drive letter of the computer's DVD drive.
b. Click Install now.
4. When you reach the Which type of installation do you want? screen, click Custom (advanced), and then follow the instructions that are displayed on the screen to install Windows Vista.
Method 2:
Run the Setup program after you start the computer by using the Windows Vista DVD
1. Start the computer by using the Windows Vista DVD. To do this, insert the Windows Vista DVD in the computer's DVD drive, and then restart the computer.
Note To start the computer from the Windows Vista DVD, the computer must be configured to start from the DVD drive.
For more information about how to configure the computer to start from the DVD drive, see the documentation that is included with the computer, or contact the computer manufacturer.
2. When the "Press any key to boot from CD" message is displayed on the screen, press a key.
3. Follow the instructions that are displayed on the screen to install Windows Vista.
Online Gaming soon to be the Only Gaming?
Most of us are old enough to remember when the Commodore 64 first came out followed by the Atari system. The initial reaction to these systems was sheer amazement as we played with our pixels for hours upon hours. Soon we learned how to beat the Artificial Intelligence and the games replay value suffered greatly.
So why do video games become boring or outdated? Obviously a huge factor is technology and graphics, but a stronger component is competition and the ability to adapt. Single player games do not offer the ability to adapt; the artificial intelligence today doesn’t allow for complex strategies or maneuvers to be utilized, but we know who can – Humans! Yes, there is nothing like outthinking, outmaneuvering, besting, owning, fragging, or whatever you want to do, to another living, breathing, frustrated human being.
When you get that kill shot on a computer you know they don’t get emotional, but when you take out a live opponent, you know he/she is slamming their keyboard and possibly ripping out their cable modem (Stracraft comes to mind for this). It is not the mere act of succeeding but rather how hard the success was to obtain. Even killing “newbs” (new players) after a while gets old as you need more of a challenge; you need someone that is adept at thinking on the spot and maneuvering in such ways that the computer or a newb could never achieve. You have now reached a new level of your gaming ability and the only way to grow further as a player is to play the best.
To play the best you will need to play against the world, literally. By playing online users, one can play the best users all across the globe in an effort to test adaptability, focus, reflexes, strategy, and yes digital-courage. It isn’t enough to have competitor A go first, then competitor B go to see who can outscore or time trial the fastest on a map. That is the weakest form of competition as it is not direct. No, you need to play against each other in real time in order to the get the adrenaline rush.
My latest example is the game Joust. This game is old, outdated, crappy graphics, and previously single player. No one really played this game today. That is until it was announced it would become a multiplayer game on the Xbox 360 live. Now you can Joust against others; the game has now evolved from defeating simple AI mechanics to a full blown strategy/reflexes game against the best. This can be seen with PS3 having Mortal Kombat available for online play. This game is very old as well and mostly used for nostalgia until the online component breathed life and competition back into it.
Just what are the advantages to Single Player games than, if any? Well, the technology isn’t that cheap and most can’t afford a PS3 or Xbox 360 plus the Live fee. The advantages are only cost and beginning practice. As the cost gets cheaper the only added benefit one can get from Single Player is map memorization, game mechanics, and the very basics the game has to offer. Most don’t want to play against other opponents till they understand the intricacies of the game, and rightfully so. Single player games are going the way of the Dodo as cheap Online Games take it place. Who would have thought Joust and Mortal Kombat I would be resurrected in 2008, well over a decade after their initial release? Ask you parents to have a kid brother, or go online and experience the wonders of making someone spam you with profanity, or ripping out their modem as you harass them endlessly. Online Games bring out the worst and best of us, while Single Player games just alleviate some boredom. Hell, even Pong can be fun if it’s a nationwide competition. Sending this article to a friend will help them realize to get off their single player RPG kick ;)